





If you or a family member has experienced a near-fall incident you should contact your GP for advice and possible referral to a geriatrician.

Medication Review (Polypharmacy)

Polypharmacy is the use of multiple drugs or more drugs than are medically necessary. If you are overburdened by the amount of medicines you take or, you find yourself wondering if you really need to take everything you’re currently taking, we would be happy to review your medications. Reviews optimise medicines and sometimes lead to reductions in the number of drugs being taken. Reviews may minimise drug side effects and can reassure people as to which of their medications are really important.

Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia Management (BPSD)

People with dementia usually experience BPSD during the course of their illness. BPSD are the non-cognitive (non memory) symptoms of dementia. Common symptoms include heightened aggression, agitation, anxiety, delusions, hallucinations, wandering and sexual/social inhibition. We can assist patients and families to overcome the stress involved in dealing with these behaviours by providing BPSD management strategies. Book an appointment today if you feel that you or your loved one may benefit from a brief consultation.

Private Hospital Admission

Sometimes the level of care required by a person cannot be provided within the community or at a nursing home. Under these circumstances we usually arrange a private hospital admission. We require people’s private health insurance details to help reduce the cost of their hospital stay.


We offer Telehealth consultations for Medicare Australia eligible and registered organisations (e.g. Residential Care facilities, GP Clinics etc.). Please note that Telehealth is best used for subsequent medical reviews rather than initial consultations.

Memory Assessments

Some memory loss is common with increasing age. However, memory loss that interferes with day-to-day activities is not normal and requires investigation. Discuss any concerns you have about your memory with your GP. He/she will determine if any investigations and/or referral is required. GPs often organise blood tests and a CT scan of the brain prior to the referral to a Geriatrician or another specialist.

Call us today on (03) 9005 1246.

Our friendly reception staff can help you with any queries you may have

and/or book an appointment for you in one of our consulting rooms.